This website is intended for conservation planners and producers as a tool in assessing the effects of conservation practices
that reduce sediment and nutrient pollution from agricultural lands.
The Agricultural Research Service of the U.S. Department of Agriculture continues its mission of developing solutions to agricultural
problems through research and dissemination of information to farmers and other stakeholders.
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Our Vision
Leading America towards a better future through agricultural research and information.
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Sediment carried by heavy rainfall enters streams and lakes causing
turbidity that harms aquatic life, clogs drainage ditches, stream channels, water intakes and reservoirs.
Nitrogen is absorbed directly by plants. Those that are not absorbed by
plant roots can easily run off into surface water or leach into groundwater system.
Phosphorus is essential to all life. However, areas with high population
density or intensive animal production receive excess phosphorus that causes eutrophication.
Noun. The protection, preservation, management, or restoration of wildlife and
of natural resources such as forests, soil, and water.
Agricultural Research Service - USDA
808 E Blackland Rd · Temple, TX
Phone: 254 770-6543
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