Agricultural Conservation Reduction Estimator
Call 254-770-6500
Field Location and Soil
Current Condition
Terraces Only - Terraces with pipe outlets, discharging directly to stream, or non-vegetated channels.
Terraces and Waterways - Terraces with outlets to grass waterways or pasture.
Waterway Only - Grassed or vegetated channels which convey field runoff to a stream, without terraces.
Filter Strip- A strip of grass or dense vegetation at the edge of a field which removes sediments and nutrients before runoff reaches a stream. Engineered to prevent concentrated flow.
Pond 50%- Pond which drains 50% of field area.
Pond 75%- Pond which drains 75% of field area.
Conservation tillage - Reduced tillage targeted to leave 30% residue on the soil surface after planting. Defined as having a Soil Tillage Intensity Ratio (STIR) between 25 and 60.
Minimum tillage - Reduced tillage targeted to leave more than 30% residue after planting. Includes no-till systems. Defined as having STIR values less than 25.
Nutrient Management I - A 10% reduction in nitrogen and phosphorus applied to the field while maintaining realistic production goals.
Nutrient Management II - A 25% reduction in nitrogen and phosphorus applied, applicable for producers initially overapplying fertilizers.
Predicted Effect of New Conservation
Future Condition
Terraces Only - Terraces with pipe outlets, discharging directly to stream, or non-vegetated channels.
Terraces and Waterways - Terraces with outlets to grass waterways or pasture.
Waterway Only - Grassed or vegetated channels which convey field runoff to a stream, without terraces.
Filter Strip- A strip of grass or dense vegetation at the edge of a field which removes sediments and nutrients before runoff reaches a stream. Engineered to prevent concentrated flow.
Pond 50%- Pond which drains 50% of field area.
Pond 75%- Pond which drains 75% of field area.
Conservation tillage - Reduced tillage targeted to leave 30% residue on the soil surface after planting. Defined as having a Soil Tillage Intensity Ratio (STIR) between 25 and 60.
Minimum tillage - Reduced tillage targeted to leave more than 30% residue after planting. Includes no-till systems. Defined as having STIR values less than 25.
Nutrient Management I - A 10% reduction in nitrogen and phosphorus applied to the field while maintaining realistic production goals.
Nutrient Management II - A 25% reduction in nitrogen and phosphorus applied, applicable for producers initially overapplying fertilizers.